- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Newman Reader online texts by the Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman.
- The St. Pachomius Library, Orthodox patristic textsm liturgical documents, and lives of the saints.
- Readings for Philosophers & Catholics, from the Jacques Maritain Center.
- Works of St. Josemaría Escrivá, reflections on the Christian life by the founder of Opus Dei.
Individual Texts
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Code of Canon Law [1917] - Latin
- Code of Canon Law [1983] - English | Latin
- The Belief of Catholics, by Ronald Knox.
- The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross
- Companion to the Summa, by Walter Farrell, O.P., S.T.D. S.T.M.
- The Spirit of Catholicism, by Karl Adam
- Summa Theologica, by St. Thomas Aquinas
- St. Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on the Psalms, courtesy of the Aquinas Translation Project, a web-based project which seeks to provide scholars, religious and any interested individuals with translations of St. Thomas Aquinas's works not readily available in English. The co-ordinator of the Project is Dr. Stephen Loughlin, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at DeSales University, Center Valley, Pennsylvannia, USA.