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Catholic Lay Movements, Organizations & Religious Orders
- Adoremus, is "an association of Catholics established to promote authentic reform of the liturgy of the Roman Rite, and to rediscover and restore the beauty, the holiness, the power of the Church's rich liturgical tradition while remaining faithful to an organic, living process of renewal".
- Catholic League for Religious & Civil Rights. The nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization, founded in 1973 by the late Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., to defend the right of Catholics -- lay and clergy alike -- to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.
- Knights of Columbus, "the strong right arm of the Church."
- The Cardinal Newman Society, "dedicated to the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic higher education in the United States."
- Coalition In Support of Ecclesia Dei, promotes the expanded use of the Ecclesia Dei Indult.
- Communion & Liberation. "The aim of life in Communion and Liberation is to propose the presence of Christ as the only true response to the deepest needs of human life in every moment of history."
- The Coming Home Network, providing fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been received into the Catholic Church.
- Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Northern Province.
- COURAGE An apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones, encouraging its members to respond to the Church's call to an interior life of chastity.
- Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
- Latin Liturgy Association. Founded in 1975 to promote the use of Latin, the customary language of the Roman Catholic Church, as appropriate in the liturgies of the contemporary church.
- Les Femmes: Women of the Truth an independent media apostolate of orthodox Roman Catholic laity in the Diocese of Arlington, VA, committed to catechesis and apologetics through publication of a quarterly newsletter, THE TRUTH, and other ad hoc projects.
- Opus Dei - "Saint Josemaría Escrivá founded Opus Dei to spread the message that work and other daily activities are occasions for personal spiritual growth and for improving society. Opus Dei helps people follow Christ in their daily lives and make him present in every endeavor."
- PhatMass. "A grassroots movement within the Church, made up of numerous volunteers, to promote orthodoxy to the Catholic Faith. In addition to the website, phatmass produces Catholic hip-hop music (outside of the Holy mass), and organizing live shows."
- Pure Love Club. Founded by Jason Evert, the Pure Love Club is the chastity outreach program of Catholic Answers, based in San Diego, California.
- Priests For Life Officially-approved Catholic Clergy who give special emphasis to the pro-life teachings of the Church.
- Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter - "a community of Roman Catholic priests . . . who work together [in] the formation and sanctification of priests in the cadre of the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite, and their pastoral deployment in the service of the Church."
- St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology centralized resource for studying scripture & theology.
- Towards Tradition. National Coalition of Jews and Christians "seeking to advance the nation toward traditional, faith-based American principles of constitutional and limited government, the rule of law, representative democracy, free markets, a strong military and a moral public culture."
- Una Voce, "an international federation of associations, founded in 1966 in Rome, . . . dedicated to ensuring that the Roman Mass codified by St. Pius V is maintained as one of the forms of eucharistic worship which are honored in universal liturgical life, and to restoring the use of Latin, Gregorian Chant, and sacred polyphony in Catholic liturgy."