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Catholic Resources for Reference & Education
- Amici di Joseph Ratzinger, by volunteers of totustuus network in Italy.
- Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, the website of Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong.
- Catechetics Online - a new, dynamic, interactive website all about religious education in the Catholic Church with a wealth of online texts and resources.
- The Schönborn Site - "providing up-to-date information on Christopher Cardinal Schönborn, Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna and one of the youngest members of the Catholic Church's College of Cardinals."
- Catholic Answers, lay-run apostolate of Catholic apologetics and evangelization.
- Catholic Liturgical Library - dedicated to providing accurate historical and current information about the liturgies of the Latin (Roman) rite, including the missal of 1970 (Novus Ordo) and the missal of 1962 (Tridentine).
- Catholic-Pages.Com. A good resource for articles.
- Catholic Culture. Excellent document library (formerly "PetersNet"), providing "resources to help Catholics live the liturgical year in the home."
- The Catholic Information Network, Catholic electronic evangelization since 1987.
- Catholic Legate, a lay-run [Canadian] Apostolate dedicated to defending the Catholic faith as understood by the perennial Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- The Catholic Liturgical Library, helps when searching for answers about the Catholic Liturgy of the Roman Rite. This site is dedicated to providing information about both the Tridentine and Novus Ordo liturgies. It features official liturgical documents, articles about various liturgical topics (architecture, vestments, etc.) and a Q&A form for asking questions about the liturgy.
- Catholic Educator's Resource Center, "...providing resources which effectively communicate the power and beauty of Catholic faith and culture."
- www.Chiesa / Espresso Online - featuring the weekly commentary and news analysis of Sandro Magister.
- Congregation for Clergy, offers documentary resources for priests, deacons and catechists, by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect -- (Excellent online collection of material from the Church Fathers).
- Corunum Apologetic Web Site, "Corunum's mission is to present the outline of Catholic doctrines as they appear in the writings of the Church Fathers."
- The Crossroads Initiative, founded by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, offers Catholic resources for RCIA, adult faith formation, and teens with a special emphasis on the Early Church Fathers, the sacrament of Confirmation, the Theology of the Body, and the year of the Eucharist.
- Defenders of the Catholic Faith, a website for converts (and those on the path to Rome) run by the Catholic apologist Steven Ray.
-, a website devoted to "traditional church architecture, renovation and preservation", edited by Michael S. Rose.
- Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project, founded by John Henry Crosby in 2004 to promote the thought and spirit of Dietrich von Hildebrand by preserving his memory and disseminating his writings, especially in the English-speaking world.
- Resources for Study compiled by the Dominican brothers, including works of theology, spirituality, and philosophy, as well as a variety of works on the history and charism of the order. They should be an excellent resource for anyone interested in these areas, or anyone discerning a vocation to the Dominican Order.
- Intermerifica.Org, a Roman Catholic media apostolate established in 1989 with approval by the United States Catholic Conference to promote the Gospel using the modern means of social communication. Intermerifica ublishes home study courses written by John A. Hardon, S.J., who is an author in residence in Detroit, Michigan.
- Internet Theology Resources, intended to assist searchers of theological and religious information on the Internet, and is arranged according to major areas of concentration in St. John's School of Theology Seminary in Minnesota.
- Jacques Maritain Center, at the University of Notre Dame.
- JustPeace.Org, containing a wealth of information on Catholic social justice teachings. Maintained by Robert Waldrop of the Archbishop Oscar Romero Catholic Worker House, Oklahoma.
- Love & Responsibility, a website promoting discussion of the book Love & Responsibility by Pope John Paul II.
- New Advent.Org, Besides hosting the Summa Theologica and the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, this site offers a Catholic FAQ, selected writings by the Fathers of the Church, and official Church documents, mostly papal, from approximately the last 250 years.
- The North American Patristics Society: Internet Resources
- St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Founded by Dr. Scott Hahn, "Our purpose is to promote biblical literacy for the laity, and biblical fluency for clergy and Catholic educators."
- SocialAgenda.Org, a collection of Magisterial texts -- papal encyclicals, apostolic letters, and Conciliar documents, on matters relating to politics, economics, and culture. Courtesy of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
- The Sophia Institute, offering "resources to help bring about a renaissance in Catholic life and the revival of Western culture."
- a spiritually-oriented news-service by and for the public.
- Theophenomenon - "A site dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of phenomenology and its use in contemporary theological studies. Provides resources for scholars, students and non-specialists in the form of news, articles, links and bibliographies."