- Byzantine Catholic Daily Prayer & Lectionary
- Christendom-Awake, an excellent website inspired by the book of the same name by Fr. Aidan Nichols.
- Daily Mass Readings
- Lectio Divina, "Lectio divina" means "sacred reading", and is an ancient Christian way of prayer, using the Bible or other suitable reading material.
- Padre Pio Devotionals dedicated to the life and spirituality of St. Pio of Pietrelcina.
- Treasury of Latin Prayers
Devotional Catholic Links
Catholic Lay Movements, Organizations & Religious Orders
- Adoremus, is "an association of Catholics established to promote authentic reform of the liturgy of the Roman Rite, and to rediscover and restore the beauty, the holiness, the power of the Church's rich liturgical tradition while remaining faithful to an organic, living process of renewal".
- Catholic League for Religious & Civil Rights. The nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization, founded in 1973 by the late Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., to defend the right of Catholics -- lay and clergy alike -- to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.
- Knights of Columbus, "the strong right arm of the Church."
- The Cardinal Newman Society, "dedicated to the renewal of Catholic identity in Catholic higher education in the United States."
- Coalition In Support of Ecclesia Dei, promotes the expanded use of the Ecclesia Dei Indult.
- Communion & Liberation. "The aim of life in Communion and Liberation is to propose the presence of Christ as the only true response to the deepest needs of human life in every moment of history."
- The Coming Home Network, providing fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been received into the Catholic Church.
- Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Northern Province.
- COURAGE An apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones, encouraging its members to respond to the Church's call to an interior life of chastity.
- Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
- Latin Liturgy Association. Founded in 1975 to promote the use of Latin, the customary language of the Roman Catholic Church, as appropriate in the liturgies of the contemporary church.
- Les Femmes: Women of the Truth an independent media apostolate of orthodox Roman Catholic laity in the Diocese of Arlington, VA, committed to catechesis and apologetics through publication of a quarterly newsletter, THE TRUTH, and other ad hoc projects.
- Opus Dei - "Saint Josemaría Escrivá founded Opus Dei to spread the message that work and other daily activities are occasions for personal spiritual growth and for improving society. Opus Dei helps people follow Christ in their daily lives and make him present in every endeavor."
- PhatMass. "A grassroots movement within the Church, made up of numerous volunteers, to promote orthodoxy to the Catholic Faith. In addition to the website, phatmass produces Catholic hip-hop music (outside of the Holy mass), and organizing live shows."
- Pure Love Club. Founded by Jason Evert, the Pure Love Club is the chastity outreach program of Catholic Answers, based in San Diego, California.
- Priests For Life Officially-approved Catholic Clergy who give special emphasis to the pro-life teachings of the Church.
- Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter - "a community of Roman Catholic priests . . . who work together [in] the formation and sanctification of priests in the cadre of the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite, and their pastoral deployment in the service of the Church."
- St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology centralized resource for studying scripture & theology.
- Towards Tradition. National Coalition of Jews and Christians "seeking to advance the nation toward traditional, faith-based American principles of constitutional and limited government, the rule of law, representative democracy, free markets, a strong military and a moral public culture."
- Una Voce, "an international federation of associations, founded in 1966 in Rome, . . . dedicated to ensuring that the Roman Mass codified by St. Pius V is maintained as one of the forms of eucharistic worship which are honored in universal liturgical life, and to restoring the use of Latin, Gregorian Chant, and sacred polyphony in Catholic liturgy."
Catholic Resources for Reference & Education
- Amici di Joseph Ratzinger, by volunteers of totustuus network in Italy.
- Biblical Evidence for Catholicism, the website of Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong.
- Catechetics Online - a new, dynamic, interactive website all about religious education in the Catholic Church with a wealth of online texts and resources.
- The Schönborn Site - "providing up-to-date information on Christopher Cardinal Schönborn, Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna and one of the youngest members of the Catholic Church's College of Cardinals."
- Catholic Answers, lay-run apostolate of Catholic apologetics and evangelization.
- Catholic Liturgical Library - dedicated to providing accurate historical and current information about the liturgies of the Latin (Roman) rite, including the missal of 1970 (Novus Ordo) and the missal of 1962 (Tridentine).
- Catholic-Pages.Com. A good resource for articles.
- Catholic Culture. Excellent document library (formerly "PetersNet"), providing "resources to help Catholics live the liturgical year in the home."
- The Catholic Information Network, Catholic electronic evangelization since 1987.
- Catholic Legate, a lay-run [Canadian] Apostolate dedicated to defending the Catholic faith as understood by the perennial Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- The Catholic Liturgical Library, helps when searching for answers about the Catholic Liturgy of the Roman Rite. This site is dedicated to providing information about both the Tridentine and Novus Ordo liturgies. It features official liturgical documents, articles about various liturgical topics (architecture, vestments, etc.) and a Q&A form for asking questions about the liturgy.
- Catholic Educator's Resource Center, "...providing resources which effectively communicate the power and beauty of Catholic faith and culture."
- www.Chiesa / Espresso Online - featuring the weekly commentary and news analysis of Sandro Magister.
- Congregation for Clergy, offers documentary resources for priests, deacons and catechists, by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect -- (Excellent online collection of material from the Church Fathers).
- Corunum Apologetic Web Site, "Corunum's mission is to present the outline of Catholic doctrines as they appear in the writings of the Church Fathers."
- The Crossroads Initiative, founded by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, offers Catholic resources for RCIA, adult faith formation, and teens with a special emphasis on the Early Church Fathers, the sacrament of Confirmation, the Theology of the Body, and the year of the Eucharist.
- Defenders of the Catholic Faith, a website for converts (and those on the path to Rome) run by the Catholic apologist Steven Ray.
- Dellachiesa.com, a website devoted to "traditional church architecture, renovation and preservation", edited by Michael S. Rose.
- Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project, founded by John Henry Crosby in 2004 to promote the thought and spirit of Dietrich von Hildebrand by preserving his memory and disseminating his writings, especially in the English-speaking world.
- Resources for Study compiled by the Dominican brothers, including works of theology, spirituality, and philosophy, as well as a variety of works on the history and charism of the order. They should be an excellent resource for anyone interested in these areas, or anyone discerning a vocation to the Dominican Order.
- Intermerifica.Org, a Roman Catholic media apostolate established in 1989 with approval by the United States Catholic Conference to promote the Gospel using the modern means of social communication. Intermerifica ublishes home study courses written by John A. Hardon, S.J., who is an author in residence in Detroit, Michigan.
- Internet Theology Resources, intended to assist searchers of theological and religious information on the Internet, and is arranged according to major areas of concentration in St. John's School of Theology Seminary in Minnesota.
- Jacques Maritain Center, at the University of Notre Dame.
- JustPeace.Org, containing a wealth of information on Catholic social justice teachings. Maintained by Robert Waldrop of the Archbishop Oscar Romero Catholic Worker House, Oklahoma.
- Love & Responsibility, a website promoting discussion of the book Love & Responsibility by Pope John Paul II.
- New Advent.Org, Besides hosting the Summa Theologica and the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, this site offers a Catholic FAQ, selected writings by the Fathers of the Church, and official Church documents, mostly papal, from approximately the last 250 years.
- The North American Patristics Society: Internet Resources
- St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Founded by Dr. Scott Hahn, "Our purpose is to promote biblical literacy for the laity, and biblical fluency for clergy and Catholic educators."
- SocialAgenda.Org, a collection of Magisterial texts -- papal encyclicals, apostolic letters, and Conciliar documents, on matters relating to politics, economics, and culture. Courtesy of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
- The Sophia Institute, offering "resources to help bring about a renaissance in Catholic life and the revival of Western culture."
- SperoForum.com a spiritually-oriented news-service by and for the public.
- Theophenomenon - "A site dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of phenomenology and its use in contemporary theological studies. Provides resources for scholars, students and non-specialists in the form of news, articles, links and bibliographies."
- Catholic World Report
- Canticle Magazine
- Communio: International Catholic Review
- Crisis Magazine
- Catholic Dossier,
- Envoy Magazine
- Homiletic & Pastoral Review
- First Things
- Inside The Vatican
- Lay Witness, published by Catholics United for the Faith.
- Latin Mass Magazine
- National Catholic Register
- The New Pantagruel
- Saint Austin Review
- Second Spring A Journal of Faith & Culture
- Thirty Days [30 Giorni]
- Touchstone
- Traces
- The Wanderer
Online Catholic & Christian Texts
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Newman Reader online texts by the Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman.
- The St. Pachomius Library, Orthodox patristic textsm liturgical documents, and lives of the saints.
- Readings for Philosophers & Catholics, from the Jacques Maritain Center.
- Works of St. Josemaría Escrivá, reflections on the Christian life by the founder of Opus Dei.
Individual Texts
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Code of Canon Law [1917] - Latin
- Code of Canon Law [1983] - English | Latin
- The Belief of Catholics, by Ronald Knox.
- The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross
- Companion to the Summa, by Walter Farrell, O.P., S.T.D. S.T.M.
- The Spirit of Catholicism, by Karl Adam
- Summa Theologica, by St. Thomas Aquinas
- St. Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on the Psalms, courtesy of the Aquinas Translation Project, a web-based project which seeks to provide scholars, religious and any interested individuals with translations of St. Thomas Aquinas's works not readily available in English. The co-ordinator of the Project is Dr. Stephen Loughlin, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at DeSales University, Center Valley, Pennsylvannia, USA.
Catholic Commercial Websites
- The Catholic Company "dedicated to helping individuals and families gain a better understanding of and love for the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church."
- Mary's Prayers Rosaries. Offering Handmade Rosaries and Chaplets, Christening Gowns & Christian Jewelry -- tithing to a number of apostolates, including EWTN, Franscisan Friars of the Renewal, and Priests for Life!
- Pauline Books & Media - Catholic Publishing House run by the Daughters of St. Paul.
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